PLANTS: Annual or short-lived perennial herbs, more or less glaucous. LEAVES: opposite, sessile, entire. FLOWERS: long pedicellate, solitary or in panicles; calyx deeply cleft, with 5(-6) linear-lanceolate, lobes; corolla blue, purple, violet, pink, white, or rarely yellow, campanulate, deeply divided, with 5(-6) oblong or obovate lobes, these longer than the tube; style slender; stigmas 2, broadly-lobed. FRUITS: ellipsoid capsules. SEEDS: small, globose. NOTES: 3 spp.; s U. S. to n S. Amer. (Greek eu = good + stoma = throat, referring to the large throat of the corolla. ) Shinners, L. H. 1957. Southw. Naturalist 2:38-43. REFERENCES: Mason, Charles T. 1998 Gentianaceae. J. Ariz. - Nev. Acad. Sci. 30(2): 84.