Eastern Michigan University Herbarium (EMC)

The Eastern Michigan University Herbarium (EMC) provides botanical resources, research facilities, and educational opportunities to the University and broader scientific community. The herbarium seeks to continue and develop the scientific acquisition, documentation and monitoring of the plants of Michigan and the Great Lakes Region including those that are threatened, endangered and rare. The herbarium contains over 30,000 vascular plant specimens, mosses, fungi, and algae. Most specimens are from Michigan and Ontario, Canada.

Contacts: Margaret Hanes, Director, mkoopma2@emich.edu
Collection Type: Preserved Specimens
Management: Live Data managed directly within data portal
Global Unique Identifier: b0178bb0-c5d7-11e4-b6af-00163e00498d
Digital Metadata: EML File
Rights Holder: 42.2479
Access Rights: -83.627
Collection Statistics
  • 17,325 specimen records
  • 2,958 (17%) georeferenced
  • 15,949 (92%) with images (15,958 total images)
  • 12,053 (70%) identified to species
  • 208 families
  • 1,180 genera
  • 3,672 species
  • 4,016 total taxa (including subsp. and var.)
Extra Statistics
Taxon Distribution
Taxon Distribution
  • Onoclea (9)