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The Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria

Whelan Lake Fen

Authors: Hackett, RA; Karbowski, HM; Peters, S; Monfils, AK;
Citation: Hackett RA, Monfils MJ, Monfils AK (2016) Evaluating a sampling protocol for assessing plant diversity in prairie fens. Wetland Ecology and Management 24:609–622. doi: 10.1007/s11273-016-9491-1
Locality: Whelan Lake Fen (42.089490, -84.112620)

Fen dominated by Carex stricta and Typha. Many Cornus and Toxicodendron vernix shrubs too. The ground is hummocky and wet. There is a lake at the center. The fen is surrounded mostly by trees and forest swamp or upland. Privately owned.

For more information about the Prairie Fen Research Collaborative, visit

Notes: Direct questions about data and data usage to Anna K Monfils (
less detail

Families: 36.
Genera: 75.
Species: 115.
Total Taxa: 115.

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