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The Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria

Holly Recreation Area - Halstead Lake Fen

Authors: Pogue, CD; Zionce, R; Hackett, RA; Peters, S; Monfils, AK;
Citation: Pogue CP (2016) Local and landscape level variables related to Poweshiek skipperling presence in Michigan, USA prairie fens. Thesis, Central Michigan University
Locality: Halstead Lake Fen (42.799040, -83.557360)

More or less circular fen with small lake in middle. Typha latifolia common near lake. Carex aquatilis, Caltha palustris, Carex sterilis, and Typha latifolia common throughout. Common shrubs include Salix spp. & Cornus sericea. Shrub encroached on west side of fen. Fen at rish due to adjacent interstate to the east. State owned

For more information about the Prairie Fen Research Collaborative, visit

Notes: Direct questions about data and data usage to Anna K Monfils (
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Families: 30.
Genera: 55.
Species: 86.
Total Taxa: 86.

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