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The Texas Oklahoma Regional Consortium of Herbaria

Saguaro National Park–Rincon Mountain District

Authors: NPS-SODN
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Families: 114.
Genera: 552.
Species: 1128.
Total Taxa: 1153.

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Collected by Kellner at Manning Camp (1960) according to B&M flora
Reported by Bowers, iNaturalist observation from Upper Wildhorse
Aka Y. baccata var. brevifolia or possibly Y. thornberi (Hodgson); Dan Beckman 2021-09-15 [SEINet]
No voucher but definitely present around park entrance
aka Y. madrensis, taxonomic update needed; R. H. Peebles & T. H 8754 [ARIZ]
One iNat records, needs followup
Collection quite possibly a mis-ID of C. wheeleri; J. C. Blumer 3406 [ARIZ]
Non-native ornamental occasionally found in desert areas, needs voucher
Recently reported introduction for Arizona, misidentified previously as Gnaphalium palustre.; Ethan Ward 118 [ARIZ]
Known but lacking voucher. Collected by Steenbergh north of VC according to B&M flora
Highly invasive, first detected April 2024 - please report all populations to
Observed in Box Canyon Oct 2018 (iNat)
formerly X. strumarium, see Tomasello 2018; J. E. Bowers R-1363 [ARIZ]
Seems to be present (iNat), needs voucher
Previously grouped with O. phaecantha, now proposed as variety of O. engelmannii (Felger, Verrier & Carnahan 2017); Dan Beckman 2020-09-03 [SEINet]
iNat observations, needs voucher
Worth investigating, no other park records; C. E. Jenkins 2134 [ARIZ]
Rediscovery target; SEINet treats as synonym of E. spathulata but they appear to be separate; J. C. Blumer 3383 [ARIZ]
Definitely present, needs a voucher
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